My own picture

Ekaterina Bulakhova

Date of birth: 27.02.1983

Citizenship: Belarus

Residence: Belarus, Minsk

Contact details


Web design: Adobe Photoshop, Corel draw, 3DMax, Macromedia Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Visual studio Code.

Web development: HTML, CSS, js, jquery, bootstrap

Search engine optimization and link building

Other skills:

Basic knowledge: XML, PHP, MySQL, Action script. Working experience with Unix platform through shell interface (such as transferring web projects to new hosting)

Working experience with CMS: MODx evo, MODx Revo, Pimcore, DIAFAN, Wordpress.

Knowledge in the related occupations

  • SEO concepts (goals and implementation)
  • Page-proof
  • Experience of managing projects (communication with customers, evaluation of task
  • Usability, ux, ui, marketing
  • Google Adwords
  • Google Analytics and webmaster tools

English languages skills:

  • Reading Upper-intermediate
  • Writing Upper-intermediate
  • Speaking Intermediate

Code Examples

Credit Card Mask

// return masked string
function maskify(cc) {
   cc = cc.split('');
   for (var i = 0; i++) {
       cc[i] = '#';
   cc = cc.join('');
   return cc

Arithmetic function

function arithmetic(a, b, operator) {
    switch (operator) {
        case 'add':
            return a + b;
        case 'subtract':
            return a - b;
        case 'multiply':
            return a * b;
        case 'divide':
            return a / b;

Decimal to binary converter

   function decToBin(dec) {
      if (dec == 0) return '0';
      let bin = [];
      while (dec >= 1) {
            let temp = dec % 2;
            dec = Math.floor(dec / 2);
            return bin.reverse().join("");

Work Experience

Minsk Pedagogical Gymnasium. Dates of employment: from 06/01/2005 – 01/06/2006. Job title: Teacher of English

Ciclum. Dates of employment: from 05/10/2011- – 05/09/2012. Job title: Web master

Sole entrepreneur. Dates of employment: from 05/01/2008- to Present. Job title: Web master


Dates of studying: from 10/01/2006- 05/01/2008
Name of institution: Belarusian Nation Technical University
Degree and major: Department: Web design and computer graphic; Specialty: Web designer, programmer
Dates of studying: from 10/01/2002 - 06/01/2005
Name of institution: Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Degree and major: Department: Bachelor “Practical psychology”; Specialty: Practical psychologist
Dates of studying: from 10/01/2000 - 06/01/2005
Name of institution: Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Degree and major: Department: “Social pedagogical technology”; Specialty: Practical psychologist. Teacher of English